NicheX is a global investment company with registration number 13650492. NicheX is a company dedicated to helping individuals gain financial stability and freedom. Our services range from providing time value investments, full time professional trading and general cryptocurrencies consultation. NicheX is an active company incorporated on 29th September 2021 Our approach to investment is guided by the philosophy of Global-Capitalism, which is the private sector’s commitment to Global development through long term investments that create economic prosperity and social wealth for individuals without boundaries. We offer many investment plans tailored to meet the investment needs for both the high stakes and low earners alike. Investment package is subscribed to with strictly cryptocurrencies to enable us create a borderless investment atmosphere, to further foster our trust in the blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies as the future of money. Our instantaneous daily payout is what gives us edge amongst other competitors. We are just one click away from your wallet.
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The New Investment Paradigm The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to a new investment paradigm, characterized by near-zero interest rates, coordinated monetary and fiscal policy, and heightened internal and external conflict. While the pandemic was an accelerant, we believe this shift was inevitable and that the key elements of this new environment will remain long after the virus passes.